
最美四月天 “英”你而精彩 ——荔香学校第九周升旗仪式暨第十八届英语文化节开幕式


  为了激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的英语水平,展示学生的英语才能,2021年4月19日上午8时,以“Never forget why you started. Create your own fairy tale.(不忘初心,成就梦想)”为主题的荔香学校第十八届英语文化节在学校操场隆重开幕,我校全体师生参加了开幕式。
  听!悠扬动听的歌声在校园里回响,梦想在歌声中展翅。由六4班同学带来合唱《see you again》,温情旋律,声声入耳,将师生带入到英语歌曲美轮美奂的氛围中。
  紧接着四、五年级的同学们带来英语诵读《My dream,Chinese dream》,同学们在铿锵有力的诵读中表达勇敢追逐自己的梦想,感受永不言弃的精神,把自己的梦想与中国梦连结在一起,理解中华民族文化中坚韧不拔的精髓,增强民族自信。      
  之后,由初中部带来英语诵读 《Stick to your dream》,激情澎湃、抑扬顿挫的朗诵抒发了以梦想点燃心灵种子的热情,表达了为梦想而努力的决心和毅力。












  Dear teachers and students,good morning.
  It’s my great honor to be here to give a speech for the coming 18th English Festival of Lixiang School. The aim of the festival is to bring up the students’ interest in English, encourage students to speak and use English ,improve our school students’ English level. I really hope that it can enliven the campus atmosphere on English learning and enrich the students’  spare time life.
  As we all know , English is the most widely used language in the world. English helps us communicate with people. We like to call English “the language of communication”.  Because it seems all the people in the world have agreed to use English to talk to each other.  Almost all international conferences and competitions are conducted in English, for example, the Olympic Games. Diplomats and politicians from different countries use English communicate with each other.
  Furthermore, learning English well gives you a lot of satisfaction:If you learn English well, it can not only help you get better results in examinations or help you find a good high school. More importantly, making progress will make you feel great. You will enjoy learning English, if you remember that every hour you spend gets you closer to perfection.  Every sentence you speak or write reminds you of your success. English makes you a more powerful, happier person. It can help you learn more about the outside world, and let the outside learn more about our country and our culture.
  The English Festival of our school is held every year since 2004,it becomes a traditional campus festival in our school . The students  and English teachers did quite well in the Previous English speech and retical contests of Nanshan English festival . What should be especially mentioned is that we are entitled the top reward in the English Retical Contest of 16th Nanshan English Festival based on students’ practice hard and teachers’ careful training .  The 18th English Festival has stepped into our campus,. It is a stage for all of you to show your talents and ability in English. And many interesting activities will be held , such as English speech contest, English Talent contest, English Calligraphy Contest, English Dubbing Contest.  All the participants began to prepare for the contests one month ago . They spend their free time practising hard so as to give us a good performance with the teachers’ guidance and training.   Here ,I want to say “thanks”to both of you.  
  Dear students, don’t be shy, have a try! And you will be the best of yourselves. You have to know, practice makes your English perfect.  Join in the activities to tell your beautiful stories in English and show yourself confidently. Stay true to the mission,  let dreams set sail.
  Finally, I wish our English Festival a great success.









  影像:袁宁 谭爽